Articles Tagged "WordPress"

WordPress Image Gallery Gotchas

I’ve been considering various open source image gallery solutions for my WordPress blog but I couldn’t decide which one would best meet my needs. Heck, I wasn’t even sure what my needs were so I decided a bit of research was in order. The most helpful information I found was an Image Plugin article on Lorelle’s site where she discusses the most common and popular solutions for working with images in a WordPress blog. After reading her post and many of the articles linked within it I decided I’d install Gallery2 and the WPG2 plugin to get the most powerful and flexible system while maintaining modularity and simplicity. At least that was what I was hoping for.
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WordPress Plugin Recommendation (June)

It’s been a while since my last WordPress Plugin Recommendation so I thought I’d let you know how much of a “Plugin Ho” I’ve become since then. I’m currently using 32 WordPress plugins! Sure, it seems like a lot when you put an exclamation mark at the end, but I need each ‘n every one of ’em I tells ya, honest. In fact, I have so many plugins that I need a plugin to help me review them all. Here’s my list of currently installed plugins, each accompanied by a brief review:
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Basic Image Editing in WordPress

Sometimes you need to edit an image for use in your WordPress blog but you might not need (or you might not have access to) a high-powered image editing application like Photoshop. Maybe you want to post a smaller version of an image you’ve already used in a previous post or maybe you want to “zoom in” to a specific area of an image to add emphasis. If that’s the case, you may find
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Yes, I DoFollow

If you comment on this site or any other blog site that uses the DoFollow plugin you’ll get a little extra something in return.

By default, WordPress uses the “nofollow” tag to tell search engines not to follow links posted in your blog comments. This was initially done to discourage spammers from littering your blog with spam links, but since spam filtering has improved it’s no longer necessary and it may actually hurt your blog.
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Code Highlighting and Formatting in WordPress

I tried a couple different code highlighting plugins for WordPress and decided to use the aptly named “CodeHighlighter” by Wongoo Lee which is essentially an implementation of the well established and tested GeSHi – Generic Syntax Highlighter. Installation follows the usual pattern: unzip, upload to your plugins directory, and activate the plugin from your Plugin Management screen in WordPress.

Once installed, adding highlighted code to your blog is as easy as
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WordPress Plugin Recommendation

Once you’re familiar with the concept of plugins, the next step is to find a few you might like to try out then take them for a test drive.

There’s no single definitive place to go when looking for plugins but recently created a section on their site solely dedicated to WordPress Plugins. Unfortunately not every plugin is currently listed on their site so searching for the term “best wordpress plugins” is a pretty good way to get some lists showing what people like and use most often. I found’s Best of: WordPress Plugins list to be one of the most helpful as it’s one of the few sorted by categories such as
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Intro to WordPress Plugins

When I first started using WordPress I wasn’t quite sure what plugins were, what they did or why I might want to use one.

What are WordPress plugins? Basically, a WordPress plugin is a chunk of code which allows non-technically inclined users to add extra features to their WordPress blog and easily configure those features via the Administration Panel.

What does a WordPress plugin do? A good plugin adds features to your blog while simplifying your blogging experience. Since the people who comprise the blogging community
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