Circling Circles Circled
These images were created with Flash using code similar to the circle-drawing example found in my previous “Combining Vectors with Flash” article.
These images were created with Flash using code similar to the circle-drawing example found in my previous “Combining Vectors with Flash” article.
These images were created with Flash and are based on code similar to the ActionScript used in my previous “Combining Vectors with Flash” article. These images have a little higher resolution than usual so they may take a while to load. Open the thumbnail image in a new window or tab to see the full-sized version.
These images were created with code similar to the ActionScript used in my previous “Tantalizing Tendril” post.
Sometimes I use Flash to help generate still images. The Candy Cosmos SWF which I recently posted lead to the following:
The last one “Gold Glory” is a color adjusted and sharpened version of the 3rd one “Faded Glory”.