Combining Shapes from the Past

When writing my recent article about Combining Vectors in Flash the Overlapping Circles example reminded me of the entries I made for the now legendary Bit-101 “25 Lines Contest” back in 2002. I tried looking for all of the old contest entries but they seem to have been erased from the web.

Fortunately I found a few different versions of the entries I posted back in 2002 still loitering on my hard drive in an abandoned folder thought to be lost long ago. So without much further ado, here are two files that probably haven’t been seen by anyone in the last five years!
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An Admission

I know this is crazy. I know it’s bizarre. I know I may even face ridicule. But THIS is something I feel I must confess. I’d hate to leave this earth without anyone knowing the truth about me so I’m saying it now to let it forever be known.
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Classes and Operators

I’m certainly no expert when it comes to writing Flash classes, but here’s my question. Can you use operators on class members? I did a quick search on the web and only found information for C++ where it’s called “overloading operators” but I didn’t find anything about it in ActionScript. In case you’re curious why I’d like to use operators on a class, here’s what I was thinking…
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Combining Vectors with Flash

Flash has always managed to draw vector shapes very quickly and when all things are considered, you have to admit that it can handle quite a few shapes before puking and bringing things to a crashing halt. But not too many people take advantage of that fact so I’d like to show an example of what you can do with Flash if you never “lift your pen” or if you don’t issue an “endFill” or “beginFill” command while drawing various shapes. To get a better idea of what I’m talking about, try clicking and dragging in the SWF below (pressing any key clears the screen):

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Draw an Arc with ActionScript

Drawing an arc (a segment of a circle’s circumference) is very similar to drawing a complete circle. Just like drawing a circle, drawing an arc requires you to specify the center, the radius, and the number of steps to take from the first point to the last. But drawing an arc also requires additional information such as the angle of the first point on the arc, the direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise) to travel around the circle’s circumference, and the angle of the last point on the arc.
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Rate Me, Judge Me, Make Me Feel Cheap

I was recently contacted by someone claiming to be from a rather large company. He said he might be interested in hiring me as a “Designer” based on the look of this site. I explained that it was somebody else’s theme and I just tweaked the CSS with FireBug and edited the WordPress template files, but he still seemed impressed. He said a few things about the layout but what I remember most was that he called it “clean, neat and easy to read”.

So what do you think? Does this site look that nice? Do you think he was legitimate?

Basic Circle Drawing ActionScript

Do you know how to draw a circle with ActionScript code? It’s a handy thing to know. You can use it to draw pie charts, equilateral polygons, analog clock faces… you can even use it to script motion. If you use Flash for any type of drawing purposes, knowing the math behind the circles (trigonometry) can be very helpful. In the simplest of terms, drawing a circle can be as easy as counting from 0 to 1.
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© Sean O'Shell 2007-2025