Page Flip Help

This page is for people with technical questions about the PageFlip effect code which I wrote back in 2002. I probably won’t be answering questions very frequently but I encourage everyone to use the Comments area to help each other out.

Download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip: If you don’t have the free version yet, you can click here to download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip Flash file.

NEW! StarImproved PageFlip Now Available: Improved version of the PageFlip implements the most commonly requested features.

Adding Pages: If you want to know how to add more pages or why you get an error saying, “a ‘with’ action failed…”, you can read the tutorial explaining how to add pages.

Resizing Pages: If you want to know how to change the size of the book you can read the tutorial explaining how to resize the pages.

Resizing the Stage and Moving the Book: If you’d like to change the size of the stage and move the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to resize the stage and reposition the PageFlip book.

Transforming the Book: If you want to know how to scale or rotate the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to transform the PageFlip.

Publishing to Newer SWF Versions: If you would like to publish the PageFlip SWF for the version 7.0 Player (or higher) you will need to make a few minor corrections to the file. You can read the tutorial explaining how to publish the PageFlip file to newer versions of the SWF Player.

Changing the Background: If you’re having trouble changing the background color of the PageFlip file, then this brief PageFlip Background Color Tutorial will help you out.

Changing Page Color: If you’d like to change the color of the PageFlip “pages” or “paper”, then this PageFlip Page Color Tutorial will get you headed in the right direction.

Changing the Shadow Gradient: If you’d like to change the shadows that help give the pages a “3D” look, then this PageFlip Shadow Gradient Tutorial should help you tweak the settings.

Multiple PageFlips: If you’d like to place more than one book in a Flash file, then this Multiple PageFlips Tutorial will show you the way.

Start PageFLip Book in Open Position: If you’d like the PageFlip book to start in an open position with 2 pages showing, this tutorial will explain how to Open the PageFlip to Other Pages.

Convert to Read from Right to Left: If you’d like the Page Flipping book to read from right to left, this simple tutorial will explain how to Convert the Page Flip to Read Right to Left.

Why It’s Free: If you want to know why I gave this code away, you can read Something About Sluggy.

Flip History: If you want to know more about various Flash page flip effects you can read the PageFlip page.

Personalized Service: If you need immediate support you can contract my services for a fee. Please Contact Me with specific details regarding your request as well as your budgetary limitations and I’ll be sure to consider your offer.

261 Responses to “Page Flip Help”

  1. valentino says:

    Simple question, im loading the pageflip in a diferent swf(loadClip), and everytime i turn a page it blinks (flashes for a second).
    I think is because de attachMovie, but any way to solve it(needs to be an external swf).
    Tried with loadMovie too.

  2. Russ says:

    I’d like to express my appreciation towards you for making this available. It’s taken me a while, but thanks to these comments I’ve figured it out. Thanks to you as well as Vincent . . .very valuable advice!

  3. sha says:


    thanks for the code.i just play arround the script,i would like to know if i am creating a content page,how can i do if i click on the topic or heading it should take me to the exact page.


  4. Deems says:

    Hi, thank you so much for creating such a great script!
    I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to let me know how I can move the entire book around the stage. I can’t see to figure out how to move it from left to right. Is that possible? Thank you so much in advance!

  5. Mauricio says:

    I really appreciate your sharing this AS with us… it was really helpful to me with a magazing i need to add in a new website i’m developing… it is not online yet, but will be soon… I’ve managed to modified some codes, but i couldn’t find the way to add more pages… after reading all the comments, i did!!! THANK a lot to YOU!!!
    I’d like to know if it is possible for me to keep in touch with you more often.
    THANKS again!

  6. Dave says:

    What happened to the comment on how to add pages that was posted the other day i really need help with this???


  7. Vincent says:

    I found it!!!!
    Very simple.
    1. Change the variable “maxPages” to your number of page (a pair number)
    2. open the library. Book/printed pages. And duplicate the last “print” movieclip. Example : Print6 right click duplicate, rename onto Print7 and check the boxes “Export for ActionScript” and “Import for runtime sharing”. Repeat this step for each page you have. That’s it!!!
    3. You can even remove the background and Prints layer.

    Yeah! +

  8. Marcos says:


    How do I add more pages?


  9. Vincent says:


    Thanx for the code!
    But how can I add pages??!! 🙁
    I change the maxPages, the pages appears, but not the content. PLease help me!

    Thank you.

  10. Sabrina says:

    Beggars belief!
    p.s. how do I add more pages?

  11. Hi, This is amazing, I don’t know how you created this. I’m just a beginer using Flash, and I’ld like to use this code to upgade my father-in-law web site, which is a magazine that is just starting, but I can understand how can I make it biger to look like a real magazine. do you think you can help me just with that.
    Thank you for creating this, and for give it for free.
    Thank you, very much.

  12. Russ says:

    The flipbook is interesting. It’s something that loads of people want to do, yet I can find very few tutorials on how to do the basics. Does anybody know of any? I swear if I ever figure it out fully I’d be happy to make one!

  13. Dave says:

    Hi i need help with this flash are you able to help me please?

    Kind Regards

  14. Jen says:

    Hi. Your script is really great! 🙂 I was just wondering, I have a movieclip page with a form inside it (a form with form validation and components etc), and everytime I flip over to that page, the entire thing all screws up (either left or right page of the spread turns to the black background).

    Am I doing something wrong here? I tried to place everything on the root timeline, but it doesn’t show up when I do that… or else the form elements are clickable underneath the other pages also… 🙁

    Lastly, if it’s not too bold to ask, I was wondering if maybe you could help me with an automatic page turning effect and a turn-to-a-certain-page effect? ^^” I’ll be more than glad to repay you in kind, maybe a website design or two? Print, brochure? :”) It’s a non-profit brochure website for my father-in-law.

    BTW, thank you so much for sharing your flip page script! 🙂

  15. Agnes says:

    Hello, first, thanks for sharing your book flipper.
    I am wondering if there is a way to view a webpage using this book flipper (in other word, I mean i want to see a web page but the content of the web page is in this dynamic book)
    I am unable to view the source code of this. Where can I find that???


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