Page Flip Help

This page is for people with technical questions about the PageFlip effect code which I wrote back in 2002. I probably won’t be answering questions very frequently but I encourage everyone to use the Comments area to help each other out.

Download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip: If you don’t have the free version yet, you can click here to download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip Flash file.

NEW! StarImproved PageFlip Now Available: Improved version of the PageFlip implements the most commonly requested features.

Adding Pages: If you want to know how to add more pages or why you get an error saying, “a ‘with’ action failed…”, you can read the tutorial explaining how to add pages.

Resizing Pages: If you want to know how to change the size of the book you can read the tutorial explaining how to resize the pages.

Resizing the Stage and Moving the Book: If you’d like to change the size of the stage and move the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to resize the stage and reposition the PageFlip book.

Transforming the Book: If you want to know how to scale or rotate the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to transform the PageFlip.

Publishing to Newer SWF Versions: If you would like to publish the PageFlip SWF for the version 7.0 Player (or higher) you will need to make a few minor corrections to the file. You can read the tutorial explaining how to publish the PageFlip file to newer versions of the SWF Player.

Changing the Background: If you’re having trouble changing the background color of the PageFlip file, then this brief PageFlip Background Color Tutorial will help you out.

Changing Page Color: If you’d like to change the color of the PageFlip “pages” or “paper”, then this PageFlip Page Color Tutorial will get you headed in the right direction.

Changing the Shadow Gradient: If you’d like to change the shadows that help give the pages a “3D” look, then this PageFlip Shadow Gradient Tutorial should help you tweak the settings.

Multiple PageFlips: If you’d like to place more than one book in a Flash file, then this Multiple PageFlips Tutorial will show you the way.

Start PageFLip Book in Open Position: If you’d like the PageFlip book to start in an open position with 2 pages showing, this tutorial will explain how to Open the PageFlip to Other Pages.

Convert to Read from Right to Left: If you’d like the Page Flipping book to read from right to left, this simple tutorial will explain how to Convert the Page Flip to Read Right to Left.

Why It’s Free: If you want to know why I gave this code away, you can read Something About Sluggy.

Flip History: If you want to know more about various Flash page flip effects you can read the PageFlip page.

Personalized Service: If you need immediate support you can contract my services for a fee. Please Contact Me with specific details regarding your request as well as your budgetary limitations and I’ll be sure to consider your offer.

261 Responses to “Page Flip Help”

  1. Julio says:

    Hi Sean,
    Love the effort and the knowledge you share with everybody. I was planning on using the free page flip code for a project I am working at the moment for a client. I’m still fairly new in flash and my client wanted something like this as a component of his website. Before I proceed, would you grant me permission to use your page flip code? I will leave all the credits to you.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Kristie Callander says:

    Hi there,

    Where in the code can I change the direction of the page turn? Basically, I am trying to mimic a desk calendar that would flip upward… I want the right corner to drag towards the upper left of the screen as opposed to the left side of the screen.

    Thanks so much!

  3. jimm23 says:

    hey i wanted to put a opening scene to which the user could have a few options before getting to the book. their just simple buttons made in cs5, but linking to the book won’t work. The pagefilp is in scene 1 and the buttons in scene 2. The buttons scene opens first. any help would be much appreciated

  4. Jaan says:

    Hi, is it possible to have pages flip by them selfs in a free version? It’s mean I just need animations of book flipping, and I don’t need to flip them with the mouse.

  5. Mike says:

    Anyone know how to apply a sound when a page is open? I would love to make a narration for my book. Thanks!!!

  6. Leon says:


    is it possible to ad a shadow to the pages so that a shadow is dropped on the pages below?

  7. Werner Schulz says:

    Hallo Flashers,

    the “Page Flip Help” explains whow to extend the maximal pages. I tried this several times, and every time I got my pages # 9 and 10 which flip very good. But nothing of my contents from the Instances print9 and print10 of the MovieClips Print9 and Print10 was displayed in the activated swf. What is wrong ? Who knows the fault ?

    Regards SchulzFlash.

    • Werner Schulz says:

      Na ja, Jungs und Mädchens,

      hab’s nun selber rausgefunden. Mit fast 70 Jahre und als eigentlicher Flash-Laie immerhin ein kleines Erlebnis: Einfach bei den zusätzlichen Seiten in der Bibliothek die rechte Maustaste, dann “Eigenschaften”, Markierungs-Klick auf “Export für ActionScript” und auf “In erstes Bild exportieren”. Nun werden auch die Seiten (z.B. )7 und 8 angezeigt.

      Grüße SchulzFlash

      • Pixelwit says:


        Well, boys and girls,

        I’ve got it figured out now myself. With almost 70 years and as the actual flash layman at least a little experience with the easy on the additional pages in the library right click and select “Properties”, marking, click on “Export for ActionScript” and “Export in first frame”. Now, the pages (for example) shown 7 and 8.

        Greetings schulz flash

  8. eyejacker says:

    Hey there and happy new year!

    I was wondering.
    Can I make a pageflip .swf and use the loader to load it into my website and still use it as a book.

    If yes, how do I do that?


  9. schoettel michel says:

    Bonjour ,
    je suis certainement très naif , mais comment on ouvre le fichier “PageFlip_NoTypos.fla”
    mon ordinateur me dit que windows ne peut l’ouvrir , vos conseils me seront très utiles , merci

  10. Steve says:

    Is it possible to render html text for the page turner, rather than embedded fonts?

    Presently in FP10 the html rendered boxes will not be there on the moving page if turned to.

    Any suggestions? Could one render the page on the corner button press and so then the page turn with text rendered to move?

    Or is there a workaround that does not involve managing multiple embedded text boxes? Or if that is the only way then any hints on efficient implementation?

  11. magdalena murillo says:

    hi a friend give it to me but I dont understand how to add pages, it tell that tehe element I create doesn`t exist

    please tell me how

  12. monsterenergy247 says:

    anyone know if its possible to change the book from turning pages by a drag or a click to a sound event? Like at the end of an audio it turns the page on its own?

  13. Peach says:

    Dear PixelWit,

    I have an advanced question for you.

    Due to the nature of the pages as movie clips, it seems the regular actions on a button to play a movieclip on the facing page does not work as it should.

    ie: I am unable to have a button on a left hald page play the movie on the right hand page.
    My URL is provided…the pages I am referring to are the gallery pages.

    Many thanks for any help you can offer…


  14. shuying says:

    is it available in as3?

  15. [bysheep] :: pageFlip « como posso? says:

    […] quem gosta da página virando, que nem um livro no site… ai vai o site do comando. fonte : « [bysheep] :: programação para celular [bysheep] :: Brasil Design Week 10 […]

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