Page Flip Help

This page is for people with technical questions about the PageFlip effect code which I wrote back in 2002. I probably won’t be answering questions very frequently but I encourage everyone to use the Comments area to help each other out.

Download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip: If you don’t have the free version yet, you can click here to download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip Flash file.

NEW! StarImproved PageFlip Now Available: Improved version of the PageFlip implements the most commonly requested features.

Adding Pages: If you want to know how to add more pages or why you get an error saying, “a ‘with’ action failed…”, you can read the tutorial explaining how to add pages.

Resizing Pages: If you want to know how to change the size of the book you can read the tutorial explaining how to resize the pages.

Resizing the Stage and Moving the Book: If you’d like to change the size of the stage and move the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to resize the stage and reposition the PageFlip book.

Transforming the Book: If you want to know how to scale or rotate the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to transform the PageFlip.

Publishing to Newer SWF Versions: If you would like to publish the PageFlip SWF for the version 7.0 Player (or higher) you will need to make a few minor corrections to the file. You can read the tutorial explaining how to publish the PageFlip file to newer versions of the SWF Player.

Changing the Background: If you’re having trouble changing the background color of the PageFlip file, then this brief PageFlip Background Color Tutorial will help you out.

Changing Page Color: If you’d like to change the color of the PageFlip “pages” or “paper”, then this PageFlip Page Color Tutorial will get you headed in the right direction.

Changing the Shadow Gradient: If you’d like to change the shadows that help give the pages a “3D” look, then this PageFlip Shadow Gradient Tutorial should help you tweak the settings.

Multiple PageFlips: If you’d like to place more than one book in a Flash file, then this Multiple PageFlips Tutorial will show you the way.

Start PageFLip Book in Open Position: If you’d like the PageFlip book to start in an open position with 2 pages showing, this tutorial will explain how to Open the PageFlip to Other Pages.

Convert to Read from Right to Left: If you’d like the Page Flipping book to read from right to left, this simple tutorial will explain how to Convert the Page Flip to Read Right to Left.

Why It’s Free: If you want to know why I gave this code away, you can read Something About Sluggy.

Flip History: If you want to know more about various Flash page flip effects you can read the PageFlip page.

Personalized Service: If you need immediate support you can contract my services for a fee. Please Contact Me with specific details regarding your request as well as your budgetary limitations and I’ll be sure to consider your offer.

261 Responses to “Page Flip Help”

  1. Adi says:

    Hi guys i need some HELP here and not sure where to post this. Basically on page 13 I have a link that goes to page 6, but i want it to go to a certain frame on page 6 and not the first frame. the link at the moment is _root.gotoPage(6,true).
    Please HELP

  2. Hi,

    I have now got the improved version of the page flip. How do I make all the corner buttons invisible, but still work when dragging with the mouse. this was easy with the free version, as you could just set an _alpha = 0 on button initialise code. However the improved version of the code is not so easy to do this. I have tried implementing the above however while the buttons are made invisible – it means they do not actually work. Any thoughts? Thanks Dean.

  3. Alexandra says:

    Hi! I want to thank you because I used your Page Flip and the result is fantastic! It will help me to find a job in a way!!! 😀 I’m so happy!!! I will buy the other version soon.

    Thanks again and God bless you!! : )

  4. rachel says:


    I have recently purchased the improved page flip and I love it!

    I have done some modifications and I now have a row of thumbnail buttons below the book to link to each page which work fine. However, how to I make it so that the background of the button stays highlighted when the according page is shown and change to the appropriate thumbnail when like prev/next or the pages are clicked?

    Also, I have removed the shading from the book using your tutorial but there seems to be about a 1 pixel gap between which makes it awkward when flipping, the page behind show a little during the animation, how do I fix this?

    Thanks so much for your help and thanks for this great effect!

  5. BL says:

    Is it possible to add zoom to the improved PageFlip?

  6. Z-247 says:

    Is there a way to keep each page from refreshing when you mouse over the page corners in the improved pageflip? I’m guessing not, but I’d like to have a nested movie clip play, and when you mouse over the corners it seems to reload the clip, causing it to start over. If there’s any workaround here it’d be very helpful.

  7. Hiro says:


    How can I add forward and backward button in free flippage?
    If you can offer the tipp of script, i will be very thankfull.

    Thank you,

  8. Francine says:


    First of all, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge!!
    I just have a quick question, that others asked: Is it possible to add an option of regular buttons that you don’t need to drag? Some people might get tired of my catalog with 44 pages :)…

    I’d really appreciate if you could take a time to answer this question.


  9. Jose M says:


    I just bought your improved flip and it is really awesome,, i just have a doubt

    How can i use it as an html file…

    I´m really new at this, and my problem is that i cant exporte the library from flash so i can put it in the server as a folder containing everything….

    Sorry for the english, i did my best hehe

  10. nikhil says:

    hii pixelwit…
    i am interested with your website..
    i have one doubt. how can add next and previous button in same pagflip file?

  11. Jocely says:

    Is there a way to add buttons to this like in the new and improved version? I wanted to add tabs to mine so people can skip ahead. Is there a code for that? I really dont know much about flash took me a few hours to figure out how to do all this lol

  12. Komang Didik says:

    hii pixelwit…
    i am interested with your website..
    i would like to make a web with flip page inside so everyone can read many ebook from it…

    would you help me, how can if the PDF format can convert to SWF and show in the web?

    thank you for your sharing…

  13. java c says:

    i have version flashmx 6 .do you have a version that work in that version

  14. Russell Dove says:


    I am interested in having the Flash book automatically open to a specific page by passing a variable in the web address.

    Say I have two HTML pages, my home page which is a basic page not using Flash, and a book.htm page with the Flash book. I want my home page to go to the book page and flip (or no flip, just show the open page) using something like this

    Open Page 4

    I know I could just give people instructions on how to go to the book page and then flip to page 4, but having it open when they get there would be great.


  15. Paul Godard says:

    I am reading these posts with great interest and as many people are already saying, it is wonderful to see people like you sharing your knowledge and your work for free.
    I am trying to figure out if this actionscript is going to work for me.
    I have quite limited experience with Flash but I remember that about 2 years ago I managed to create a Flash file that could read an external xml file giving a list of filenames and transition effects to create a slideshow. The great thing was that the only thing to modify was the xml file (and obviously the images). This was very flrexible.
    Now my company is sponsoring a new project called Kids of Nature ( and my intention is to create dynamic Flash ebook based on information stored in mysql database. The idea is to generate the xml code from php and have a standard Flash file including the PageFlig actionscript displaying the Flash ebook. The reason of doing so is that the intention is to create new ebook almost everyweek, so it must be dynamic (content loaded from database without modification of the Flash file).
    I am already doing so to create epub ebook on the fly.
    Is this feasible with what you have developed?
    How do I go about this?
    Your help would be greatly appreciate…

    • Stephen says:

      Has this question been answered yet? I would like to know! 🙂

      • Pixelwit says:

        Short answer: No, it wasn’t designed to work that way.

        Long answer: PageFlip uses AttachMovie to build the pages as they are needed and then discards pages that aren’t needed; the book is seamlessly rebuilt every time a page turn is initiated. This keeps the number of pages on the stage to a maximum of 4 during a flip and 2 afterwards. You can try to replace AttachMovie with LoadMovie (to load content from an external source) but there will be a flicker every time a page is loaded due to the fact that LoadMovie first deletes the content, waits a minimum of one frame and then loads the requested content.

        One way to get around this is to create the logic to determine when a page should load new content or keep existing content already on the stage. That tends to get complicated. Or you could just load all content and keep it all on stage but that too gets complicated for different reasons especially when working with any content other than images.

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