Page Flip Help

This page is for people with technical questions about the PageFlip effect code which I wrote back in 2002. I probably won’t be answering questions very frequently but I encourage everyone to use the Comments area to help each other out.

Download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip: If you don’t have the free version yet, you can click here to download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip Flash file.

NEW! StarImproved PageFlip Now Available: Improved version of the PageFlip implements the most commonly requested features.

Adding Pages: If you want to know how to add more pages or why you get an error saying, “a ‘with’ action failed…”, you can read the tutorial explaining how to add pages.

Resizing Pages: If you want to know how to change the size of the book you can read the tutorial explaining how to resize the pages.

Resizing the Stage and Moving the Book: If you’d like to change the size of the stage and move the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to resize the stage and reposition the PageFlip book.

Transforming the Book: If you want to know how to scale or rotate the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to transform the PageFlip.

Publishing to Newer SWF Versions: If you would like to publish the PageFlip SWF for the version 7.0 Player (or higher) you will need to make a few minor corrections to the file. You can read the tutorial explaining how to publish the PageFlip file to newer versions of the SWF Player.

Changing the Background: If you’re having trouble changing the background color of the PageFlip file, then this brief PageFlip Background Color Tutorial will help you out.

Changing Page Color: If you’d like to change the color of the PageFlip “pages” or “paper”, then this PageFlip Page Color Tutorial will get you headed in the right direction.

Changing the Shadow Gradient: If you’d like to change the shadows that help give the pages a “3D” look, then this PageFlip Shadow Gradient Tutorial should help you tweak the settings.

Multiple PageFlips: If you’d like to place more than one book in a Flash file, then this Multiple PageFlips Tutorial will show you the way.

Start PageFLip Book in Open Position: If you’d like the PageFlip book to start in an open position with 2 pages showing, this tutorial will explain how to Open the PageFlip to Other Pages.

Convert to Read from Right to Left: If you’d like the Page Flipping book to read from right to left, this simple tutorial will explain how to Convert the Page Flip to Read Right to Left.

Why It’s Free: If you want to know why I gave this code away, you can read Something About Sluggy.

Flip History: If you want to know more about various Flash page flip effects you can read the PageFlip page.

Personalized Service: If you need immediate support you can contract my services for a fee. Please Contact Me with specific details regarding your request as well as your budgetary limitations and I’ll be sure to consider your offer.

261 Responses to “Page Flip Help”

  1. Pete says:


    Is it possible to make the pageflip open in fullscreen automatically?


  2. Tory says:

    I purchased and am working with the improved pageflip. It is totally awesome but I have hit some challanges and while I have been chipping away at them, the most important one has me perplexed and I’m wondering if anyone has advice.

    And that is that the book I am animating has 96 pages and is just to big to be a SWF file – no one would stick around for the download.

    So the logical approach is to divide it into smaller segments with a container file that calls each segment. So I have created a container and can get it to call the first segment but not any after that.

    Has anyone done this?


    • Tory says:

      Making progress… using levels I now have the segments loading in one on top of the other so when you turn the last page of the first SWF, there is the next one and you can’t even tell they are different movies.

      But alas, another problem was lurking around the next flip.

      When you flip the pages of the second SWF, because of the levels, the pages turn behind the last page of the first movie. Clearly not acceptable.

      Any ideas?

  3. Anees says:


    I really need to know how to flip the page from the first page to the last page directly when a button clicked. for an example if i want to go to page 11 from page 1 directly how can i do that? pls help me, so if you know the script pls let me know.


  4. Andrzej says:

    Hi! Nice piece of work 🙂
    I try to include this in my work, but have problem with positioning. Could you please take look at this project? It explains everything, I mean.
    Link: Link Removed

  5. tom says:


    Absolutely fantastic piece of work – thank you for being so kind to let us use this.

    How would I go about getting the flips to work on press of the corner button? I’ve tried a few methods but don’t seem to be getting anywhere.


  6. RedScally says:


    I have a 6 page PDF file (generated using AI CS4) that I want to make into a flash based flip book to send to people via email.

    But I am new to Flash, i.e. a complete novice, so does anyone know of any good tutorials so I can get up to speed on how to use this PageFlip software ?


  7. Fabio says:

    Hi there.

    Is there any way to just click for the page to flip instead of dragging the bottom right corner to the left?

  8. Ned says:


    This stuff is really great! I only seem to have a problem with preloader. It starts after some 10 seconds and the first page appears when approx. 50% of the content has been loaded. Is there a way to remove this preloader and add my own preloader? It would give me more artistic freedom since I like to create different preloaders.

    Thanks in advance.

  9. Friend says:

    @ Alistair,
    you can also go into the actionscript, the same way that you would change the number of pages and change the page ratio to (1/100) I’m using (1/90) but both work just fine. Change it in 2 places under the flipping code section in the script. Try that… Otherwise, the Improved flip book is a fantastic investment!

  10. The flip book is fantastic! The coding is excellent! Although I am really intrigued by the thought of also having a simple button to immediately turn the pages. Have you the knowledge to share this with me? Great flip book!

    • Pixelwit says:

      Hello Alistair, You can create a custom function for one-press flipping but it’s not easy. You basically need to create an onEnterFrame event to simulate the current MouseMove related functions. If you can afford it, the very reasonably priced Improved PageFlip already has this function as well as a few others which you might like.

  11. gabe says:

    hey i really need to know how to turn the page with a single clic if any body knows how i will appreciate the help tnx alot great tutorials by the way love the page

  12. Bruce says:

    Thanks so much for making this code available it is exactly what I was looking for. I am trying to publish to a newer version of flash and the tutorial page about that doesn’t seem to exist anymore or the link is broken.


    • Pixelwit says:

      Hi Bruce, I’ve been making a lot of little changes to the site and I managed to break a few things in the process. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, the link should work now. When working with newer versions of Flash be sure to publish the file for AS2.

  13. Chris says:

    No worries, I felt the same way when I started using it too. The tutorials make altering the book much more manageable. What are you having issues trying to do…maybe I can help you?

  14. NaTasha says:


    after I downloaded the free version I don’t even know where to start…can you help me?


  15. Pixelwit says:

    @ Melly, WAY TO GO! The code modification seems to do everything you wanted and I didn’t see any problem with your code. Congrats. I deem thee “Melly the Worthy”. 😉 Great job!

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