Page Flip Help

This page is for people with technical questions about the PageFlip effect code which I wrote back in 2002. I probably won’t be answering questions very frequently but I encourage everyone to use the Comments area to help each other out.

Download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip: If you don’t have the free version yet, you can click here to download PixelWit’s Free PageFlip Flash file.

NEW! StarImproved PageFlip Now Available: Improved version of the PageFlip implements the most commonly requested features.

Adding Pages: If you want to know how to add more pages or why you get an error saying, “a ‘with’ action failed…”, you can read the tutorial explaining how to add pages.

Resizing Pages: If you want to know how to change the size of the book you can read the tutorial explaining how to resize the pages.

Resizing the Stage and Moving the Book: If you’d like to change the size of the stage and move the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to resize the stage and reposition the PageFlip book.

Transforming the Book: If you want to know how to scale or rotate the book you can read this tutorial explaining how to transform the PageFlip.

Publishing to Newer SWF Versions: If you would like to publish the PageFlip SWF for the version 7.0 Player (or higher) you will need to make a few minor corrections to the file. You can read the tutorial explaining how to publish the PageFlip file to newer versions of the SWF Player.

Changing the Background: If you’re having trouble changing the background color of the PageFlip file, then this brief PageFlip Background Color Tutorial will help you out.

Changing Page Color: If you’d like to change the color of the PageFlip “pages” or “paper”, then this PageFlip Page Color Tutorial will get you headed in the right direction.

Changing the Shadow Gradient: If you’d like to change the shadows that help give the pages a “3D” look, then this PageFlip Shadow Gradient Tutorial should help you tweak the settings.

Multiple PageFlips: If you’d like to place more than one book in a Flash file, then this Multiple PageFlips Tutorial will show you the way.

Start PageFLip Book in Open Position: If you’d like the PageFlip book to start in an open position with 2 pages showing, this tutorial will explain how to Open the PageFlip to Other Pages.

Convert to Read from Right to Left: If you’d like the Page Flipping book to read from right to left, this simple tutorial will explain how to Convert the Page Flip to Read Right to Left.

Why It’s Free: If you want to know why I gave this code away, you can read Something About Sluggy.

Flip History: If you want to know more about various Flash page flip effects you can read the PageFlip page.

Personalized Service: If you need immediate support you can contract my services for a fee. Please Contact Me with specific details regarding your request as well as your budgetary limitations and I’ll be sure to consider your offer.

261 Responses to “Page Flip Help”

  1. Z says:


    I am not sure if this is what you mean by single page open, but check out ( and look at the Trident example. The other flip book example is under Pepe Schwartz.

  2. ndang says:

    Hi pixelwit, Please help me, I want to flip the book from top to left, I’ve tired to try with myself, but it’s always seem failed, I don’t know which scripts to change, how do I change them, Please help me…

    Thanks In Advance
    ndang Suherman

  3. Pixelwit says:

    @Sam, You rule!

    @Chris, You need to resize the stage.

  4. Chris says:

    This book is fantastic! Works perfectly, can be modified as needed and best of all it’s free! Thank you for such a great piece of coding.

    My question is fairly simple but is leaving me running head first into the wall. I have set-up the pages to be 500 wide by 700 tall, which seems to work just fine when I preview the swf (ctrl + enter) but when I publish it to an HTML or even export as a movie, it only allows it to be 300 by 480 max. I tried to do they resizing tutorial but it isn’t meeting the new specs. What can I do, if anything to make this book publish 500 by 700??

  5. Sam says:


    Just wanted to say THANKS!! I incorporated your PageFlip into my site and its fantastic. I have found that you have the most extensively support FREE PageFlip book out there.

    You Rock!

  6. Pixelwit says:

    @John, Nope, no lock.

    @Ned, The PageFlip is designed to use internal content, but it has been successfully modified by others to use external content.

    @Karen, Thanks.

    @Vinod, Although the PageFlip definitely is NOT setup for a 1 page flip, the concepts used within it (masking, gradients, rotation, etc.) could be used to make one of your own.

    @Matt, The Improved PageFlip does have one click flipping but as I told Vinod, no single page support.

  7. Matt says:

    doh! Just seeing now the paid version & all the talk about getting support that way…

  8. Matt says:

    For the record, I’d like to be able to click the peel as well as drag. Not sure if anyone has figured this out.


  9. Matt says:

    Me too Vinod, I’d like to use just a single page myself. I’ll report back if I find anything. If you do, please let me know.

  10. Vinod says:


    How can i use single page flip instead of left to right or right to left…. I want single page open instead of two pages….


  11. karen says:

    Great page flip. It worked perfectly, and your help section addressed every problem I had. I’m working on my portfolio and most of my projects are print… so your animation makes the pieces a little more interesting. If I ever get a job, I will definitely pay for your programming services, it would have taken me months to figure out what you did. Thanks again for the free script.

  12. Ned says:

    This an awesome script! However, I have a small problem. Although I can use external swf files to load into the pages, I can’t seem to be able to load external .jpg pictures into the pages. What should I do? Thank you in advance.


  13. John says:

    I have been trying to make a flash story book. With pageflip, I thought id create a cover page and the contents page. The problem is, I have designde all of this, its just that when I try to add a button to the pageflip to link it to another scene by using:


    the problem is that the button doesnt work, even if there are no scripting errors. This is an absoutely fantastic creation, but is there some sort of “lock” on it which prevents it from linking to other scenes?
    Thank you in advance for any help

  14. Fiona says:


    I figured out how to add a page on top of the existing print that you have and it displays fine, but i was wondering, if i want to add a video or a slideshow on that page how would i go about doing that? I have tried several ways but no success. I have build my own slideshow from scratch before but adding it in the pageflip is becoming a problem.
    Some guidence will be greatly appriciated,
    Thank you,
    Fiona from NY

  15. ysabelle says:

    Hi, thanks for this resource! It’s very useful! It helped me a lot! Thank you so much!

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