
Quill and Ink

The following endorsements and pageflip reviews are from satisfied customers who have purchased PixelWit’s Improved PageFlip:

  • Dear Sir, I’m merely writing to express my sincere thanks for your Flash generosity.

    I was meaning to email you after I played around with your free PageFlip because it in itself is incredible that it’s free, but having just bought the Improved PageFlip, I now have an even more inclination to send you my sincere thanks.

    The updates are exactly what I am looking for and without your freeness/low-price-ness, there would have been no way I could have done this thing on my own.

    You, Sir, are one bad ass dude that 1) you can do this, 2) you can do it this well, and 3) you have the balls to give something worth so much practically for free. I certainly can see why someone would send you pumpernickel bread, and if I could bake I’d do exactly the same!

    Thanks again! And I will most certainly drop a donation every time I use this for a client.


    R. W.

  • I’ve used the PixelWit page flip (both original and improved) in a variety of projects over the last two years, and of all the page flip packages out there, this is by far the best bang for the buck. Well organized and documented, it takes only a little scripting knowledge to bend it to your will, and I’ve found it able to suit pretty much all of my needs. The improved version is quite seriously the best $12.50 I’ve spent online this year!

    And yes, you can quote me on that.

    – M. L., Interactive Art Director

  • PageFlip is the ultimate solution for anyone who wants to make a page flipping website. After scouring the Internet for hours looking at several different PageFlip applications at various prices (one as much as $400), I discovered PageFlip and chose the Improved version as the method for developing a website for my client, a prominent charity.

    I could not have been more pleased. Improved PageFlip contains everything a basic page-flipper website should need. It works flawlessly. I was able to easily customize the size, placement, etc. with little or no trouble and build a completely custom website that fit my clients’ exact specifications. And I was able to turn the website around in just three weeks, including laying out a 54 page booklet. When one modification was needed in the Actionscript to change the corner buttons, the support from Pixelwit was exemplary.

    I highly recommend Improved PageFlip for anyone who wants to build a page flipper website. There is no better method that I have seen available, and the price cannot be beat.

    Thank you for your wonderful code package.

    R. H.

  • The new version of PageFlip works fine, although I’ve yet to look into tweaking it.
    Some of the commercial “page turn” stuff is a huge rip-off so I’d just like to say how much I appreciate your software.
    A. S.

  • Just wanted to let you know it is all working fine – I am really impressed with the amount of functionality you have managed to cram into this and really easy to mess around with and customise. just wanted to say good job and well done 🙂
    can’t believe you are only charging $12.50 for this!


    L. A.

  • Improved PageFlip was the “missing link” that should turn my website into something better than I originally thought it could be!

    Thanks for your quick reply and your extremely good value-for-money product.

    A. M.

  • I did not know how to share one of my favorite text from R.Feynman, Nobel Prize in Physics, on science spirit when I saw on some web sites the page flip concept.

    Among many offers i have analyzed i have found your solution … for free, which was amazing !!! Your free engine is fine to me but the least I could have done was to purchase your “quite free” improved version.

    Just to say many thanks and happy to meet, even virtually, people like you who are not only interested in making money with their skills but are eager to share their knowledge and passion.

    Thanks again and have a great day.

    M. R.

Feel free to leave a comment and share your positive experience with PixelWit’s Improved PageFlip for Flash.



11 Responses to “Endorsements”

  1. Flash Novice says:

    Very nice work! Thanks for sharing. I’m looking forward to customizing the page flips. Thanks for posting ‘Help’ answers too.

  2. KoncentriK says:

    Thanks bro, this is awesome and you are awesome too 🙂

  3. Stephen says:

    I’ve bought the improved version the other day, and I have to say it’s EXCELLENT for the price you gave it away for. I’ll send you the site to the final product through e-mail so you can see what I’ve made with it.

  4. Greg says:

    I’m usually very skeptical about buying things over the internet, but after I tried the free version I had to get the full file. Best $12 I’ve ever spent. If you’re looking for a page flip file, this is the one to get.

  5. Page Flip is a little bit of software magic that rivals solutions costing much more. I received a response to my support e-mail in a few hours and the answer was spot on. Very nice and highly recommended!

  6. Rog says:

    Just thought that I’d congratulate you on your excellent software. Well documented and good functionality.

    I started with your free product and decided to go for the paid for version which, at $12.50 is good value. I had been considering using another provider but theirs was going to be significantly more expensive.

    Good coding, well done.
    Rog (UK)

  7. Adam says:


    Just wanted to say this is simply fantastic,

    Honestly my man you are incredible for offering this so cheap, and I mean the free version? That’s just crazy, I would of easily expected to pay more for a copy like the free version than I did for the full version! Thank you so much for being so generous.

    Best regards, you awesome guy you,


  8. David says:

    I just want to say this is the first time ever I have tried a “freebie” and wanted to pay for the next version in the same day.
    You have done a great job with this, when clients come to me with requests I like to fulfil them quickly and not spend hours learning new programmes for “one offs”.
    I’m not a flash genius and this was the perfect solution for me.



  9. Denise says:

    Thank you, so very much, for allowing a novice website designer to add a wonderful touch to one of the components of the site. The fact that you’re willing to share what you’ve created, free of charge, is indeed exceptional in this day and time.

    I will work with the free version for a while, and if I can make it function as it should for my book, I plan to come back again for the “new and improved” version.

    Once again, Thank You and Happy New Year.

  10. Connie P. says:


    If I didn’t already have the best boyfriend in the world (he’s sitting right here so I have to put that!), I’d be asking if you were single after reading this article:

    I purchased the full version of Page Flip today and am eager to get started tomorrow morning when I’m back on the clock (not eager enough to do it on my own time)! Hopefully I don’t have as many issues as Ryan Libre or you’ll be hearing from me! 🙂

    Unfortunately, my purchase didn’t go as smoothly as I’d planned and I received an error message on my transaction. I assumed it was my work firewall preventing me access so I used my personal computer to re-do the purchase request.

    When I received confirmation of my purchase, I noticed that indeed I had been billed twice and that the transaction with the error had actually gone through.

    I am very impressed with your customer service because immediately after sending you the email about the double billing, I was refunded.

    Too bad everyone wasn’t so diligent in their transactions!

    Thanks so much for your free Page Flip file, your extended version and your fantastic customer service (and your sense of humour isn’t so bad either)!

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