Top Adobe Flash Complaints

What bothers you the most about Adobe Flash? What’s your biggest gripe? Take the poll below and select up to 10 of your most annoying Flash issues.

[poll id=”25″]

10 Responses to “Top Adobe Flash Complaints”

  1. SH says:

    What pisses me off most is the way it installs mcafee every damn time I update it.

    They don’t ask, there’s no opt out check box, it just goes right ahead and installs some crap I neither want nor need.

    That is simply rude and basically the behavior of malware.

  2. Jenn says:

    The thing I hate most about Flash is that it constantly crashes my internet, and every update just gets worse.

    • Helen says:

      It’s been months now that flash has been making windows crash on my computer. Things had just stabilised and lo and behold they release another update a few days ago and guess what? It’s back to crashing again. What is wrong with these people?

  3. Vishwas says:

    Much annoying are the panels and windows that stick here to there while dragging. Never resize as required and have to be tolerated to be kept in between. 🙁

  4. Brad Johnson says:

    The panels on a mac make it virtually un-usable. I had been looking forward to this version, thinking that surely, they would fix the UI but incredibly, they made it worse! I made a shortcut to reset the workspace and it is by far my most frequent task in CS4; finding the panel I need.

  5. danilo says:

    Ciao Pixel Wit,

    Just chipping in to say that is possible to see the help offline on CS4.

    This is how to do it (via

    “Window > Extensions > Connections
    In the window that pops up, click the little dropdown arrow (right under the close ‘x’) and choose “Offline options”.
    Click the “Keep me offline” option and press Ok.”

    A good solution for Flash developing on Mac is Texmate. The AS3 bundle (by features documentation, autocompletion and even code hinting.

    Anyway here is how I voted:

    High price.
    Pricing structure (Europe pays more, Suites, Upgrades, etc.)
    Poor user interface.
    New versions change things that don’t need changing.
    Substandard illustration tools.
    Flash Player variances (slower on Mac etc.).
    Bloat (huge install files and slow startup).
    Adding new buggy features before fixing old bugs.
    Privacy issues.
    Lame ActionScript editor.


    • Pixelwit says:

      Hi Danilo. Nice site you have there… I just checked out the Typography section and realized I was spending far too much time playing and not enough time working. 😉

      Thanks for the tip about the offline help option for Flash but as the tutorial you linked to pointed out, it’s not “equivalent” for 2 rather prominent reasons: “keyword highlighted will not bring you directly to its respective entry” and “help files do not include the Components Language Reference for AS2”. Adobe should adopt an “If it ain’t broke, don’t break it” philosophy.

      • danilo says:

        “realized I was spending far too much time playing and not enough time working.”

        I wish I could do the opposite! My goal is to give at least 20-30 minutes a day for playing with code but not always I manage to do it! 🙂

  6. Brad says:

    Flash’s IDE is why I hate developing for Flash. Writing everything in Actionscript is fine, but its terrible navigating through the library, entering/exiting movieclips, navigating layers and timelines, managing tons of floating panels, and now in CS4 dealing with cumbersome sliders similar to AE that IMO don’t enhance the user experience at all.

    Flash seems to try to do too much, which is why I try to keep all actionscript on the top level and my movieclips in the library to call them only when I need them. More and more though I am finding myself turning to jQuery and non-Flash based solutions for modules/elements I used to rely on Flash for.

  7. Pixelwit says:

    I don’t know how this one got by me but I just added the “Lame ActionScript editor” option. Right now there are 22 voters who didn’t get to choose that option so the poll is slightly skewed.

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