PageFlip: Right to Left Modification

This tutorial explains how to modify the Free PageFlip or Improved PageFlip so that it reads from right to left. Follow along in this simple two part process.

You can watch a video walk-through illustrating every detail of this “Right to Left PageFlip” tutorial.

Part #1) Flip the book movieclip.

  1. Open the Pageflip file to display the main timeline.
  2. Drag the Timeline’s red PlayHead to the last frame of the Actions layer.
  3. Select the small cross in the middle of the stage. This is the Pages movieclip.
  4. Flip the Pages moviecliip horizontally: Menu » Modify » Transform » Flip Horizontal.

Part#2) Modify the code.

  1. Double-click the Pages movieclip to begin editing its content.
  2. Select the first frame of the Actions layer and open the Actions panel: Menu » Window » Actions.
  3. Click the magnifying glass icon in the Actions panel to search through the pageflip code for the following text: attachMovie(“print”. Be sure the quotation marks are included in the search.
  4. The above text attachMovie(“print” appears in the pageflip code 4 times.
  5. Just below each of those 4 lines of code you’ll find a movieclip which is being positioned with it’s _x and _y properties. You need to set that movieclip’s _xscale to -100. like so:

    SLPage.attachMovie(“print”+(flipPage-1.5), “Print”, 1);
    with (SLPage.Print) {
    _x = -pageWi/2;
    _y = -pivotY;
    _xscale = -100;

    Repeat this process wherever attachMovie(“print” is found.

That should do it. Now you can test the movie to see the PageFlip read from right-to-left rather than the usual left-to-right. Happy Flashing

13 Responses to “PageFlip: Right to Left Modification”

  1. Mokuba says:

    Hi, i like your tutorial.
    Is it possible page flip from bottom to top ?

  2. noufd says:

    thanks alot
    this is the great tutorial

  3. Brent Nicolet says:

    I just bought the more advanced one and its more complicated then the first. first if you delete a page on timeline prints it gives you a script error, so i have to leave all 24 pages there? what is the timeline pages for?

  4. attz says:

    hi, thanks for the book,i am just wondering, is there any way you could add more pages to the book, because there are only 10 and i need more, i,ve changed the maximum number of pages from 10 to 30 in the actions frame but it does not seem to work- i think its something to do with the action script code

    “maxPages” should be an even number
    var maxPages = 30;
    thanks in advance

    lol- i think ive just found the solution in one of the tutorials

  5. robin says:

    Hi brother, thanks for sharing this awesome programming.

    I would like to check how to reduce the number of pages and how to let it flip automatically?

    Lastly, i could insert the words in, but when it is being published, it does not appear at all.

    Please advice. Thank you brother

  6. nickerson says:

    hi~thanks for sharing~
    i have 1 question.
    may i know how to add the pages for the book?

  7. leonardo acero says:

    hi, do you know how once you have done the book … make the book pages flip continiously…. as aflash movie… in other words moving pages automatically with a ciertain time line… thanks

  8. atty says:

    hey, sean. good lord! u r the most generous man out there in the page flipping field. i wanted a slight improvement. can u think of this. i was looking at this other program called pageflip 3.5. in that u can tear pages off and also u can have cut out pages.. as in part of the page is cut and u can look at the page behind it. is it possible for such an improvement?? if so, we will be extremely grateful….thanx once again.

  9. nicky says:


    I’m trying to move the whole book, as i have made the document and the book bigger and now want to centre it, i’m sure this is really simple but i seem to be struggling, please can you help?


  10. DODO says:


  11. Al0NE says:

    Thanx man I was just looking for this article..

    u rock !

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