Archive for September, 2008

Flash Scripted Conic Angle Gradient

One of the quirkier aspects of Flash is its lack of a 'conic' gradient fill. The conic gradient has been a mainstay of drawing apps like CorelDraw and Photoshop (where it's called an "Angle Gradient") for ages but Flash still hasn't implemented this basic feature. Go ahead and check... it's not there.

NOTE: This tutorial uses some of the code and concepts from my previous Color Gradient and Circle Drawing tutorials so I highly recommend checking them out for a more in-depth explanation of the following code ...
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Animated Arc Drawing

A recent comment on my Oval Drawing Tutorial asks how to “give the appearance that an oval is being drawn slowly”. Hmmm… this sounds like a job for my handy Arc Drawing Function.

Slowly drawing (or revealing) a circle can be achieved by drawing arcs of an ever-increasing size until the arc is so big that it comes back to the beginning and makes a full circle. The same is true with ovals. First let’s take a look at the basic code for drawing an arc of a circle
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Lemons to Lemonade – Automatic Upgrade

photo credit: ms.Tea

After the fiasco with The Ignoramus, I briefly considered refunding his money since he was so disappointed about the Improved PageFlip not documenting the super-secret (i.e. known to everyone but him) process of resizing the stage. Fortunately I quickly came to my senses and decided to do something much more satisfying and give the money to a worthy cause.

WordPress is known for it’s rapid rate of upgrade releases and keeping up with all of the changes used to be a real pain in the butt until WordPress Automatic Upgrade plugin came along. The WPAU plugin presents a series of links to painlessly guide you through the upgrade process and handles all of the backing-up, downloading, deactivating and reactivating for you. Download the plugin, install it like any other WordPress plugin, read the FAQ and you’ll be upgrading in no time. Sweet clean and neat.

Thanks guys, I know $12.50 isn’t a lot but maybe it’ll help get that “rollback” feature into future versions.

ALL CAPS Was My Only Choice!

Ordinarily it’s fun to take a break from a project and help people using my PageFlip files but yesterday was an exception to the rule. You see, yesterday was the day when Ryan Libre decided to buy my Improved PageFlip Flash file. Again, ordinarily this isn’t a problem but, as you’ll soon see, Ryan is an exceptional ignoramus. As evidence of this matter I’ve included our e-mail correspondence in its entirety, not just select parts of it. Enjoy
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