PixelWit: The Early Animations

They say, “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” so I thought I’d flatter Senocular a bit by stealing his “Senocular-The College Years” concept and showing you 2 of my “early” (i.e. bad) animations.

My first early animation is called “Ouch” and I’m proud to say that it’s brilliantly awful. It follows the travels, travails and tribulations of a man with dangerous ideas in the midst of dangerous times. Deemed far too dangerous for society he is forced to pay the price. Did I mention the bit about danger and whatnot? Yes, yes indeed, Danger!

It is with great pleasure that I bring you, “Ouch”:

Yeah, I know what you're thinking... Awesome! Right? I totally know it. I'll bet you can't wait to see the next animation now can you. I'll bet you're on the edge of your seat, itching for another super-kick-ass fest of suck? Of course you are. Fortunately I will not disappoint.

This second animation serves eerily prophetic as it was animated way back in the dawn of the 21st century. The year was 2001 and the climate was that of hope and prosperity. The air was feeling strangely terror-free and yet something seemed to foretell, nay "forebode", the inherent dangers of conspicuous consumption.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great "I-told-you-so-edness" that I bring you, "Lemmings":

Yes, the "artwork" is painful to look at and the concept may be trite, but I can't help quoting the infamous Nelson when I say, "HA HA!" Everyone knows 'Conspicuous Consumption' can't beat 'Dwindling Supply'.

So there you have it, 2 absolutely awful animations for your viewing displeasure. Now you know why I started writing code.

Do you have an old animation that you'd never admit to creating in a million years? Link to it in the Comments section and tell everyone that one of your competitors made it. 😉

6 Responses to “PixelWit: The Early Animations”

  1. Shaz says:

    Haaaa… lemmings…love that idea

    Does it just go on forever?? haha

  2. Pixelwit says:

    Man Jumping from a Box: Not since “Begotten” have I seen such strikingly poignant black and white cinematography depicting the frailty of man.

    “Book Drops” (head landing on pikes) and “Brick Drops” (head being speared) were 2 of the most abused sound clips ever thanks to their wide distribution in early Flash. Glad I could do my part. 😀

  3. Ari says:

    I managed to find a website I created at fortunecities a loooong time ago (sorry for no link.. there is “completely totally friggin’ awesome”, and then there is just plain humiliation).

    I have no idea what the password is to that site, so I’m still saving up money for botnets to take it down :/

    *But wait! I managed to guess the password! While I was writing this comment! So I removed some cartoons that featured me actually talking ( epic failed attempts at it btw ) and left the animations and the games. http://aribest.fortunecity.com/leikir.htm

    If you think that’s bad (*cough* I mean awesome), think of how “awesome” the removed stuff must have been 😛

    I like how you managed to use most of the sounds from the Macromedia sound library in “Ouch” 😉

  4. Pixelwit says:

    @Megan, I’m guessing that by “interesting” you mean “completely totally friggin’ awesome”, in which case… let’s see it!

    @Jason, 97? Dang! That’s like old and stuff. Unfortunately for the rest of the world my early Flash animations managed to survive quite a few near misses. I’d trade places with you if I could. 😉

  5. I wish I would have saved some of my early day animations. At one time I had some from ’97, but many hard drive failures later I have none 🙁

  6. Megan Fister says:

    Well, at least I’m not the only one who made some…interesting…Flash animations back in the day. The thing was, I was really really proud of them too! 🙂

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