Ten Fun Flash Games

These are the best Flash games from Neatorama.com. They’re easy to learn, easy to play, and each one is guaranteed to provide at least 1 solid minute of entertainment. Enjoy!



Chat Noir#10) Chat Noir

Kitty! This cute little kitten is probably smarter than you. Try to box him in with dark circles before he bounds off-screen.


Shuffle#9) Shuffle

A super simple billiards type game. Knock all of the other balls off the table to win.


Spin Black Circle#8) Spin the Black Circle

This game turns the world around… and around and around. Spin the big black circle clockwise or counterclockwise to let gravity guide a ball to its goal. This simple and unique concept offers fun gameplay (to a point). Some mazes can be maddeningly frustrating and I would have liked this game much more if there was a way to save my position midway through a level. Restarting from the beginning after getting SO CLOSE was only fun the first 800 times.


De-Animator#7) De-Animator

The creepy un-dead are way too animated for their own good. It’s time to grab a gun and start “De-Animating”. Stop enough of the un-dead and you’ll earn a shotgun (press ‘Shift’ to use it). The 12 gauge gives you hope… for a little while. But they keep coming, the relentless horde… unstoppable. Steady now, you must fight… fight until the very end. Damn you zombies! Aghhhhhh!!!!


Bloons#6) Bloons

Throw the darts and pop the balloons. A variety of configurations and power-ups keep things interesting and challenging.


Dice Wars#5) DiceWars

I never played Risk but I think this is what it’s supposed to be like. Roll the dice to rule the hexagonal world.


Get Glass#4) Get the Glass

Fantastic 3D animation and fluid gameplay make this “kids game” playable. The dice alone are a marvel. The general concept is similar to CandyLand but it’s punctuated with challenges, brain-teasers and feats of skill to keep things progressing much more smoothly than you might imagine. The Get the Glass game takes a little while to download but it’s definitely worth it.


Bloxorz#3) Bloxorz

The simple act of toppling and rolling a block is turned into a great logical puzzle. Increasingly difficult levels serve to teach tumbling moves and maintain interest. The realistic 3D environment, animation and sound provide excellent “feel” while pushing your block around.


Tower Defense#2) Flash Element Tower Defense

Build a variety of towers along a path to stop the invading forces. You have to strike a delicate balance between earning interest, losing lives and the urge to annihilate the enemy. Fun stuff.


Fancy Pants 1#1) Fancy Pants 1

This game has character. The little Fancy Pants guy is awesome. His hair blows back when he runs, he takes a nap if you step away from the game for a while, he even goes through doorways like Kramer. Style: He’s got it. Good music and fun physics will keep you running fast and fancy through the wide variety of levels.

Fancy Pants 2#1) Fancy Pants 2

More of the same great action, a new move and a chance to kick some turtle butt. Plus there are even more levels to explore.
*Since Fancy Pants 1 and 2 are essentially the same game, they both share the #1 position.


Red Spot(*Bonus Game) Cover the Red Spot

Although this isn’t Flash, it’s one of my favorite “real life” games. This carnival classic has been close to my heart ever since I was a kid and managed to talk a boardwalk carny into letting me play it for free (quite an accomplishment in and of itself). Good luck figuring this one out; it takes a steady hand and a well calibrated mouse to cover every single red pixel.

That’s all folks, I hope you enjoyed my Top Ten Favorite Flash Games.

8 Responses to “Ten Fun Flash Games”

  1. […] If you like these, be sure to check out 10 More Fun Flash Games. […]

  2. […] my Ten Fun Flash Games article I mentioned a game called Spin the Black Circle. In another article about my experience with a Flash Rotation Bug I said […]

  3. Pixelwit says:

    @Wilhelm, I created this article just for you. 😀

  4. Wilhelm says:

    #10: Stupid kitteh! (made me feel dumb..lol)
    #9: Fun but.. Maybe too easy..?
    #8: Great game, I’m at lvl 13 so far 🙂
    #7: Once you learn the trick to kill quick, it’s all good.
    #6: Archery game, with a twist! (level 21=awesome)

    [then i just jumped to number 2 :P]

    #2: Desktop tower defense is better imo, still fun though.

    #1: Not my kind of games.. maybe those who didn’t play the original mario and sonic games will find it less clumsy than i did…

    And please.. someone.. tell me how to box the frickin cat! 🙁

  5. Pixelwit says:

    @Joga, Boomshine looks pretty nice, but I think it has the potential to look a little nicer. Might be a nice game to tweak-up.

    @Stephen, Thanks! It was hard work thoroughly testing each game, but I managed. 😉

  6. Joga Luce says:

    I’m fond of Boomshine. Amazingly addictive. Like watching circular dominoes.

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