Feed Reader Paranoia

In a previous article about PixelWit.com’s RSS feed list I mentioned the feed-readers BlogLines and GoogleReader but I failed to mention that I don’t use either of them due to concerns regarding privacy issues. If you’re industrious enough to actually read Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service you’ll notice a few key points.

  1. They have the right to edit content.
  2. They watch what you do.
  3. They record what you do.
  4. They share what you do.

How would you feel if you went to a public library to read about a topic and as soon as you entered the building the librarian started following you around with a pen and paper, constantly looking over your shoulder, crossing out all the naughty bits before you read them, noting every single article you read, when you read it, how long you read it, and after you leave the library, the librarian calls their “associates” and tells them all about everything you just did. I don’t know about you, but that would definitely creep me out. I wouldn’t tolerate such behavior in my real life and I won’t accept it in my virtual life either.

I know, you’re probably thinking, “The librarian is just there to help you, they wouldn’t do any evil” (unless I happened to be Chinese). To that I say, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” There is a lot of power to be gained from all the information collected about you, and as another old proverb states, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Google may be a “good” company now, but if they “go evil”, there’s no way to get your information out of the system. For example, the seemingly innocuous act of reading this article could be considered Horrible Communist Propaganda! in the future and they will know you have read it. And to make matters even worse, they will probably think you agree with me.

Be smart, cover your tracks and throw them off the scent by leaving a reply in the Comments section telling me how wrong I am. 😉

One Response to “Feed Reader Paranoia”

  1. […] article, you might think that I’ve abandoned reading RSS feeds altogether due to my concern with “shadowy librarian spies” but that’s definitely not the case. In fact I have quick, easy and anonymous access to a […]

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