How Long Have You Been Flashing?

I first started learning how to use Flash back in the year 2000, how about you? When did you start using Flash?

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8 Responses to “How Long Have You Been Flashing?”

  1. BulehDesign says:

    2007-2008.. Started with CS3, now CS4.. All I do is ActionScript 3 😉

  2. Pixelwit says:

    @J.Mac, Ha! Now that’s funny. It reminds me of this XKCD comic.

  3. J.Mac says:

    Nah, we used a magnet on the back of the monitor to drag them around. And it was always a pain shaking the monitor when you messed up.

  4. Pixelwit says:

    You used Flash 2? Holy Cow! is it true you had to push the pixels around the screen with a stick? 😉

  5. J.Mac says:

    Wow, I feel old. I started with Flash at version 2, and took it in Tech College for Version 3. Of course, back then there was no Actionscript per-say, flash stole a little “lingo” from Director. Director, Flash 0.1 (think Shockwave) 🙂

  6. Pixelwit says:

    Taking a class for Flash5 in 2007? That’s pretty rough. I hope it inspired you to learn a more modern version of Flash. 😉

  7. Wilhelm says:

    I had to take a basic flash class in 2007, but using flash 5… 😛

  8. Pixelwit says:

    What’s up with 2006? Why are the numbers so low?

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