Archive for December, 2007

Tiger Attack!

I was playing with Flash last night and happened to come up with an interesting image in the process. In light of recent events, the title I chose may seem slightly inappropriate, but the subconscious wants what the subconscious wants, so I give you…

Tiger Attack!

RSS Feed List Added

For those of you with RSS feed readers like BlogLines and Google Reader, I’ve added a list of all RSS feeds on The list will always be available as “RSS Feeds” in the “More Info” section found at the top right corner of this site.

I’m fairly new to the world of RSS, feeds, syndication, readers, and the like so please let me know if there’s anything I can do to improve the list.

How Old are You?

[poll id=”10″]

ScratchBack TopSpots Review

I signed up for the ScratchBack TopSpots program a while back to see what it was all about and this is what I learned.

ScratchBack Service Summary: The TopSpots widget provides a place for your site’s visitors to easily publish their links in exchange for “tips” that they leave in your PayPal account. You can read the ScratchBack FAQ for more detailed information. Of course this simple out-of-the-box functionality comes at a price but fortunately ScratchBack is only charging a very reasonable10% commission for all tips generated through its service. This percentage will increase once the program leaves the Beta testing stage but hopefully they won’t go overboard.

My ScratchBack Experience: Nearly all information regarding setup and installation is easy to follow and find. I only encountered one stumbling block but unfortunately it was a rather large one
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High Performance AS3 3D Ornaments


I was reading Neatorama today when I saw a SWF file which I’ll call Ornaments (since it’s getting to be that time of year).

I tried to learn more about the file and its author but the page featuring Ornaments is written in Japanese and the BabelFish translation didn’t really provide much more insight. Whoever created the Ornaments file sure knows their stuff.

It starts out with 512 ornaments/particles rearranging to form various geometric configurations as the camera flies around to show it all off. You can click and drag inside the SWF to affect the camera view and you can make it a bit more interesting by pressing the plus sign to add more particles. I got to about 5,000 ornaments before it was a little choppy.

Flash CS3 Undo Button Wastes Space

I don’t know about you but when I’m interacting with the Flash graphical user interface (GUI), the command I tend to use most frequently is the “Undo” command. If you’re familiar at all with keyboard shortcuts you know that “control/command Z” is THE universal Undo key combination. That’s handy and all if you don’t mind constantly being tethered to your keyboard while drawing or animating in the Flash GUI. But what if you just want to use your mouse alone? You know, use the FLash GUI like say maybe, a GUI?

Of course Flash has an Undo button but for some reason it’s inextricably locked to the Main Toolbar panel (Menu>Window>Toolbars>Main) which is bad news for anyone trying to make efficient use of their monitor’s screen space. For some unknown reason, the Main Toolbar can only be docked (snapped into position) in the most bizarre space-consuming places imaginable
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