Comic Relief

I was looking for a little levity and I came across the popular web comic XKCD which is full of geek related giggles. The comics were so good that I read them all in a single sitting. If you start at the beginning you can watch the author Randall Munroe refine his style as he progresses through more than 300 comic strips.

But before you set out on your comic adventure, I feel it’s only fair to warn you that Mr. Munroe used to work at N.A.S.A developing robots and whatnot so an appreciation for occasional high level math references will prove beneficial.

Here are some of my favorites:

3 Responses to “Comic Relief”

  1. Ruan says:

    Just found your blog today and I just wanted to say… Awesome work keep it up. You just got a new return reader!

    RVDS Photography

  2. John says:

    i’ve seen a glitch. comic strip 93, the next link is just a # lol, god damnit i can’t get further!! HELP… ME… READ… THE… FUNNIEEEES!

    also, very very good!

    my two favourites so far:

  3. John says:

    Very Very good! i’ve only read one but i can see my self… yep added it allready to netvibes. shame im no good at maths, but i’ll get it anyways!

    almost a more silly version of dilbert really

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