Archive for June, 2007

Unofficial Adobe Apollo Questionnaire

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Tantalizing Tendril

Similar to my previous Candy Cosmos post, this ActionScript Flash experiment/art/eye-gouge isn’t interactive but it’s pretty fun to watch.

Update: You can see a gallery of images created with Flash ActionScript code similar to that used in the above example. Be sure to check out the Tantalizing Tendril Image Gallery.

Improving the Limit Function

As a continuation of a previous post “How to Limit a Number Between Two Values” I thought I’d make my “limiting” code a little more versatile.

The previous post used the following code to ‘limit’ or ‘constrain’ a number between a low and high value:

// Limit a number between two values.
function limit (num, lo, hi){
    if (num < lo) return lo;
    if (num > hi) return hi;
    return num;

But what if you don’t want to, or can’t, control the order of the “lo” and “hi” arguments?
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