Unlike most other easing equations or functions, my easing functions are 0 to 1 based (like the “Math.random” function). This makes it easier to isolate the concept of “easing” from the concept of “tweening”. Tweening is responsible for creating a series of equidistant values between an initial state and a final state. Easing is responsible for shifting those values so they are no longer equally spaced.
There are times when you may want to weight a single random value to favor one number over another. For example, you may want a random number between 0 and 100 but you would prefer a number closer to 0 than to 100. In this situation, there is no need for a “tween” as you are only generating one number and there is nothing to go be”tween”. This is where easing functions which have been isolated from their tweening counterparts can come in handy.
Here are my most frequently used easing functions: …
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