Not a Calendar, Planner, Diary or Timeline

The “Time Lion” is not a calendar, planner, diary or timeline. In fact it’s hardly useful at all. Sure, in the past I’ve used it to track time spent on client projects and I’ve even used it to track my diet and medications once or twice but I still haven’t found many other uses for it.

The “Time Lion” attempts to visualize Time and let you interact with events in said time through a unique Flash interface. In a sense, it gives you relatively quick access to 10,000 years of events, which is no small feat, but my original idea eventually lost focus as concerns regarding efficiency and data structure eventually lead the project in a different direction. It’s neat, it wiggles and it’s got tool tips. What more could you ask for?

Check it out and see if you can find a use for an application that’s neither a calendar, planner, diary or timeline. If it doesn’t help you visualize and interact with time, at least it can help you waste a bit of it. 😉

2 Responses to “Not a Calendar, Planner, Diary or Timeline”

  1. steen says:

    I’ve been looking at alternate ways of visualizing timelines and events, and I’m mostly working within flash to do so. You’ve got some very interesting ideas here, and I think I’ll be considering some of them as I experiment. Thanks, great work.

  2. I Like it!
    clever interface. Good work

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