Yes, I DoFollow

If you comment on this site or any other blog site that uses the DoFollow plugin you’ll get a little extra something in return.

By default, WordPress uses the “nofollow” tag to tell search engines not to follow links posted in your blog comments. This was initially done to discourage spammers from littering your blog with spam links, but since spam filtering has improved it’s no longer necessary and it may actually hurt your blog. Allowing search engines to follow the links posted in user submitted comments rewards the commenter by potentially increasing traffic to their site, which in turn rewards you by encouraging further comments.

I use the the DoFollow plugin to override WordPress’s standard no-follow behavior so leave a relevant comment and you can be sure to feel the “link love”.

7 Responses to “Yes, I DoFollow”

  1. Warhammer says:

    to bluefrogx:

    even better – I made a hit list of words that if mentioned together like “you rule” or “I agree with” then it point blank moves them for me to the spam pile – that way when I come across a common one it doesn’t come up again 😀

  2. Hobo SEO says:

    to bluefrogx:
    Just use pre-moderate comments option in your blog 😉

  3. Yes,Dofollow is a double edged sword, but I prefer to take the plugin, it just take me little time to manage the comment and I can get a lot of vistors to participate in the blog!

  4. Pixelwit says:

    Hi Bluefrogx, thanks for your input.

    I generally delete all “vague compliments” immediately when moderating WordPress comments and then check any links in the remaining ones to see if they’re “spammy”. It usually doesn’t take much time at all for a site this size.

  5. bluefrogx says:

    Its a nice concept, but it also leads to increased ’spam’ with comments like ‘Good Job’ or ‘Nice blog’ that are not actually relevant to the post, but are just there because the poster saw a ‘DoFollow’ badge on the blog and wanted a backlink.

    I suppose you could call this a double edged sword, it’d definitely get your more comments, but also increase your moderation work.

  6. AzGun says:

    Good and really useful post for all readers and specially for me, thanks!

  7. Hobo SEO says:

    Us too! It really is a pointless tag.

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