Something About Sluggy

A long long time ago on a Flash forum far far away… I was trying to grasp the full implications of the “text editor thingy” inside Flash. Supposedly, you could type magic words into it and Flash would obey your every command. Finally! My computer would do my bidding rather than it forcing me to press CTRL ALT DEL and string consecutive expletives together in new and exciting ways. Since FlashKit was the biggest resource dedicated to learning all things Flash it’s no surprise I could be found there frittering away my time browsing the many user-submitted files.

And then one day it happened, it took me by surprise. The ‘magic moment’ when I stumbled onto a peculiar little file. It was completely useless. It didn’t convey a message, it didn’t sell anything, it didn’t enhance my site navigation, it didn’t do much of anything. It was just “sluggy”. And I was fascinated by it!

In the land of tweened flat vectors Sluggy stood out with its sense of depth and shimmering fluid motion. Sure, there were plenty of cool SWF files around at the time but Sluggy was the first FLA file to lure me into the mind of a programmer. I spent the night running through various elements of Darrin Hurd's FLA file. Bouncing from one clip to another, trying to grasp how all the little bits coalesced to form something greater. I don't know if he felt a tremor in "The Force" or not, but to me, for that night, Darrin Hurd was godlike. Not only had he taken little chunks of words and graphics and turned them into something so wondrous, he was lifting the curtain to let anyone and everyone see how the magic was done. Such benevolence! 😉

I think I sent him an e-mail thanking him for his generosity, as I recall, it went something like, "Cool! Thanks! Cool! WOW! Awesome! Thanks!" and so on. I never heard anything back from him, I didn't expect to, he'd already done so much.

And so on I went, my new hunger leading me somewhere I'd not been before. Thanks for the inspiration Darrin Hurd, it's been fun.

What inspires you? Have you had a similar experience?

34 Responses to “Something About Sluggy”

  1. MEdo says:

    Don’t know how to thank you, you saved my Day
    thank you thank you thank you thank you

  2. weed cheatham says:

    hooray for Sluggy

    He let me pull him around by his nose

  3. Steve says:

    In the spirit of this script/site/help.

    I have managed to locate the offending mask, namely MovieClip(_parent._parent._parent)._level0.Pages.FBPM._x-=1000;
    Which means the above script placed on a movieclip button within a movieclip (you can sort out your own _parent, etc requirement depending on where you put your clips) moves the mask out of the way. Similar = 0; sets it back again.

    The only thing is that the Shade element is not part of the FBP page and so one cannot address that via .Shade, and so the Shade is still there and can be seen on top of any zoomed clip.

    Therefore my question is now, how to get the Shade that still exists in the FBP stage to become invisible, as then my movieclip would zoom and be over the pages. (There is no shade in the Movieclip list during Debug, just FBP).



  4. Simon Hung says:

    Hi I am having a lot of fun with this! thank you for your generosity for sharing!

  5. Al says:

    It’s Awesome! Today I found PageFlip,Magical moment for me is PAGEFLIP!

    If it were not for people like you … It’s the best way to learn to program: Learning from teachers like you.
    Thank you for your infinite generosity,generosity is the cornerstone anything.
    Sorry but my english is very basic 🙂

    THANKS A LOT from Spain!



  6. Guest says:

    I am a begining flash learner.

    I am trying to publish an eBook.
    I am very excited to give your PageFlip a try.

    Thank you for PageFlip!

  7. jee says:

    Thanks so much!!! awwwesome!

  8. Mohamed says:

    Hi, I am also just learning about Flash, and I want to thank you for this,

  9. Nasfat says:

    When I found PageFlip, I had that same “magical moment” that you just described above. I’ve learned a lot about Flash in college, simple buttons and tweening stuff which I got pretty good at (compaired to my classmates). PageFlip blew me away.

    I wouldn’t be able to continue learning if it wasn’t for you and those who share your philosophy.

  10. PosWeyb says:

    I absolutly love your attitude. And Sluggy fascinates me too…but for a slightly different reason. I had a pet turtle named Turkle, whose tank sat on my desk. He would follow the end of my mechanical pencil just like Sluggy does. He provided a welcome break from hours of studying for Thermodynamics and Fluid Flow….
    Turkle is gone, but now I have Sluggy! Thank you for your hard work, generosity and paying forward story.

  11. david says:

    Thank you for your tutorials. It’s awesome.

  12. Polaris says:

    Hi, I’ve been going around the internet for the last 24 hours, I’m in need for this flipping pages, I could’ve made my own, but unfortunatly I have no time, I didn’t open ur file yet, but i’m going 2 just after submiting this …

    thx a lot .. there’s no way avilable to pay for a professional one, but as your file is free .. I’m sure that i’ll come up with something nice ..

    thx .. you did a great work ..

  13. Susan says:

    Hey, thanks for this flippage. Your tutorials are very easy to follow.

  14. nini says:

    Thank you so much! You’re tutorials are fantastic – so easy to follow. I’m very grateful for your generosity.

  15. katti says:

    Thank you so much 🙂 you are simply awesome

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